Sitapur. This time UP Board practical exams will be conducted under the supervision of static magistrates. They will be appointed in 19 development blocks of the district. UP Board practical exams are starting from 24th January. Preparations are going on in colleges for this. CCTVs have been activated.
This time static magistrates will be deployed in 19 development blocks of the district. This static magistrate will be the BEO of that block. The principal of the government inter college of that development block will be associated with each BEO as an assistant.
They will go to the practical examination center in their block and conduct the examination without cheating. Before the examination, they will visit the examination centers and check the facilities there. If any flaw is found, they will get it rectified. DIOS Rajendra Singh said that preparations are going on for the practical examination. The examinations will be conducted under the supervision of the static magistrate.
Waiting for the list of examiners
Examiners from other districts will come to Sitapur for the practical examination. These examiners will be appointed at the government level. The list of these examiners is awaited in the DIOS office. It is expected that the list of examiners will come within two to three days.