Sitapur. Babu Jagjivan Ram Scheduled Caste Hostel has been started by the Social Welfare Department in Tehsil Mahmoodabad. 59 students have been admitted in it. All the facilities here are free. Many students from far-flung areas are living in the hostel, who could not come from their homes to receive education. Now they are going to school on time and studying. The students living here told the usefulness of the hostel.
Lalit Kumar, a student residing in the hostel, studies in class 12 in a government school in Mahmoodabad. He is a resident of Thana Sakran, which is about 35 km from Mahmoodabad. He said that it was not possible to come from home every day to study, but this hostel of the Social Welfare Department has solved our problems, we study by staying here. Student Shivendra Pratap Yadav, resident of village Mur Katia, Thana Rampur Mathura, says that we are studying graduation in Mahmoodabad. The distance of our home from the college is about 20 km. There was a lot of problem in commuting. Getting a hostel solved the problem.
Got rid of rented house Ankit Kumar, a student living in Reusa block, said that we study in class 11. We had taken a rented house because the school was far away, now we have got rid of it. There was a lot of trouble during the winter season. The arrangements for electricity, water, toilets etc. in the hostel are good. Guards are also deployed for security.
There was a problem in coming from home. Bahadurpur resident Ashwani says that the college is about 30 km away from our home. We study BA by staying in the hostel. Earlier, when we used to come from home to study, there was a lot of problem. Money was also spent in coming daily. There was a lot of problem in winter but by staying in the hostel, all the problems have been solved.
Career will be made by starting Abhyudaya Coaching. Students living in the hostel like Kuldeep Singh, Shivam Gupta, Manish, Arun, Awadhesh, Neeraj, Sudhakar, Shivendra Pratap etc. told that a few days ago, District Social Welfare Officer Harsh Mawar came to inspect the hostel. We had asked him to open the library and Abhyudaya Coaching. He had promised to open the library and coaching soon. With its operation, making a career will become easier.